Join in this historic Tu B’Shvat day of tefillah as your names will be davened for in 4 holy places.  Remember you can join for free. This is an email we at Yad L’Achim received from Rivky F. from Brooklyn, NY: “I wanted to let you know that 5 of the 9 girls I submitted for tefillah a few months ago, got engaged! Thank you” JOIN THE TEFILLAH ON THE DAY OF SEGULAH OF TU B’SHVAT – FOR FREE – click here AS THIS TU B’SHVAT, TALMIDEI CHACHAMIM, MESSENGERS OF YAD L’ACHIM WILL DAVEN FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES FOR SHIDDUCHIM, PARNASSAH, CHILDREN, REFUAH SHELEIMAH, AND ALL PERSONAL REQUESTS! IN AMUKA, MERON, ARIZAL & BABA SALI   The ARIZAL says that Tu B’Shvat is a day of segulah to merit finding a shidduch. Feel free to share this opportunity with friends and family.share via WhatsApp (no donation necessary to join, simply enter 00 in the donation box) (We need your help in rescuing Jewish women and children trapped in Arab villages and every bit counts + Psak Rabbonim, donations can be given from Maaser) May the merit of this great mitzvah help you & your loved ones in your area of need.Comfort yourself knowing that you helped rescue Hashem’s children trapped in Arab villages – what a zechus! Tu B’Shvat is a day of judgment, renewal, segula and celebration – be a part of it! (AND SAVE A LIFE) JOIN THE MANY WHOSE PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED AFTER LAST YEAR’S TEFILLAH! CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW TO JOIN OR CALL 1-866-923-5224  
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