By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
             In Bereishis 17:24 the Torah says that Avraham was 99 years old when he had a Bris. The Midrash Rabba 49 says that Avraham asked Hashem, “Who will be mal (circumcise) me?” Hashem responded, “You yourself!” Avraham took a knife and wanted to it himself but was scared because of his age so Hashem grabbed his hand Kiveyachol and they did the bris together. That is why we say in davening “Vecharos imo- Habris” Avraham did it together with Hashem. The Chasam Sofer says that since in PirkeiD’Reb Eliezer that the bris took place on Yom Kippur. The question arises that since it was a milah that was shelo bizmanu (after eight days) How come it was docheh Yom Kippur? The Chasam Sofer answers that since the Midrash says that Hashem helped him so then it was like Shnayim Sheasuhu (Two that did it together) which would make it pattur from a melacha.
            The question arises do we say that if two people do a mitzva together that it is not considered a maaseh just like it is not considered a maaseh to be chayev for a melacha? From the Chasam Sofer we see that despite the fact Avraham was pattur from melacha on Yom Kippur, because he did it together with Hashem. Nevertheless, the maasehhamitzva was considered a maaseh despite it being done with Hashem. The Chasam Sofer goes Leshitaso that if a Goy and a Yid preform the same milah together it is kosher.
            The Mekor Chaim discusses if there are two horses carrying a load and one of them would have been enough is one pattur? He says that the ptur of Shnayim Sheushu is only to patter from a Korban but the issur is there in any case. If so, then if two people did a mitzva it is considered a maaseh as the ptur is only from a korban.
            The Ritva discusses that there is a passuk that if two people did shchutei chutz they are pattur as the passuk says Yeichashev LaIsh- Hahu only one person not two. The Ritva asks why don’t we say Shnayim Sheasuhu is pattur? He answers that since by shchuteichutz it says the word ish twice I would think that it is included. If we are going to say that the pttur of shnayim Sheasuhu is from Korban, then we need the passuk to teach us that if two did it they are totally pattur?
            The Tshuvas Haelef Lecha Shloime Orach Chaim 372 says that if two people picked up a lulav and each of them was able to do it by himself they are not yotzei. Unless one picks the bottom with his pinkie and the other holds it from the top with two fingers in an oifen where each could not hold it by himself! If so we need to understand, what did it help that Hashem helped Avraham?
            The answer could be that there are three types of shnayim sheasuhu. The first is where each can not do it then they are both chayev. The second is where each could do it on his own then they would be pattur. The third case which is that one could, and one can’t. If so, the one who could, would be chayev but the one who can’t, would be pattur. That could be pshat that Avraham was not able to do it by himself only with Hashem so therefore it is a maaseh mitzva!
            In this zechus of keeping Shabbos we will be zocheh to MashiachAmen.