On Monday, YWN published a video on our Instagram and WhatsApp Status accounts of two Yeshiva Bochrim making a Kiddush Hashem. The story was now published on Facebook by the woman who was helped by the two boys. The following is what she wrote: “After a great Easter visit with my folks in FL, we loaded up a golf cart they were getting rid of, and I headed home to SC. Half way through my trip, I began to struggle with what I thought was a tall load and wind gusts! Thankfully two young Jewish men waved me over and alerted me to a flat tire! They stopped alongside me and offered me help I am so grateful for their positive, persistent, gracious attitude! They refused money and when I insisted on doing something in return for their kindness, they said “just share on social media that two Jewish boys stopped to help”. Well, they did and I am so grateful. I hope some way that this post makes it to them, their parents, their faith community! They are two young, generous, polite and service oriented boys on they’re way home to NY and they stopped to help me in my time of need. Things could have gone really bad if they hadn’t taken the time to alert me, and then help me. THANK YOU Shimon and Meir. You were my hero’s yesterday!