Every week, dozens of brissim are held in the Lederman shul with Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky serving as the sandak, but one of the brissim held on Monday morning was anything but routine. A bris was held on Monday for a baby whose father is currently serving a jail sentence,  B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. Before the bris, the man’s relatives asked Harav Chaim if the father could say the pesukim and the name of the baby from his prison over the phone. Harav Chaim paskened that it was permissible for the father to say the pesukim by phone and appoint the mohel as his shaliach. Harav Chaim served as the sandak and the father – as planned – said the pesukim over the phone and named the baby Neriya. One of the participants at the bris told B’Chadrei Chareidim that “the family was very moved. They asked Harav Chaim for a bracha that the father will be released from jail quickly and be able to continue raising his children.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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