During this last year, Shas Yiden officially opened its first US Kollel inFlatbush. This was a remarkable and singular occasion to have located,tested and accepted 14 avreichim metzuyonim within a matter of months.However, even more amazing was the pomp and circumstance that tookplace. It was perhaps unique for such a momentous occasion, because it didnot happen. Just a short welcome by the founder, the Pozna Rov, and a fewwords by the Rosh Hakollelim. Together with the traditional l’chaim andmezonos, it was concluded in less than a half an hour. The avreichim had notime. They had Torah to learn. Each of the avreichim metzuyonim had committed to undertake thedemanding Shas Yiden learning regimen of 45 blatt-a-day (9 blatt five timeswith all the Rashi’s and Tosfos and other Rishonim, PLUS Yerushalmi).They are fully integrated into the pace and program of the Shas Yidenkollelim in Eretz Yisroel (Yerushalayim, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh, Beitar andKiryat Sefer) and the UK in Stamford Hill, London. In each of the detailedwritten monthly tests on 225 blatt, the Flatbush avreichim metzuyonim haveperformed on par with the others. 3 Stellar Farheren During these last months there were three stellar farheren that can befound on the Shas Yiden website (https://shasyiden.com/farher/) They weregiven by: Maran Hagaon Harav Moshe Shternbuch, shlit”a, Hagaon HaravNosson Rothman, shlit”a, and Harav Hagaon Yoel Lefkowitz, shlit”a, ofWilliamsburg, NY. The dynamic ‘give-and-take’ of each farher not only reflected theincredible scholarship and yedi’os Hatorah of the examiners, but showcasedthe broad and detailed knowledge of the Shas Yiden throughout Shas andRishonim. Each of the examiners expressed his deep appreciation of theShas Yiden, but perhaps the greatest compliment was delivered by RavShternbuch when he declared: “Ashreichem v’ashrei chelkechem – Praisedare you all and your portion – even the malochim (angels) on High envy youall.” May we all be zoche to birchas Hashem b’ruchnius u’v’gashmi’us andhatzlocha b’chol ha’inyonim in this coming year 5785. Thank you so muchfor your ongoing support for the Shas Yiden. To watch the dynamic farheren, or for more information on Shas Yiden, or to donate click on www.shasyiden.com or call 718-702-1528 or Mail: 1274 49th Street #562, Brooklyn, NY 11219. London: UK Registered Charity # 1191225 – 2 Timberwharf Road, London N16 6DB, England or call 0208-066-1566