As a 1.5-year-old war continues wreaking havoc across Ukraine, tens of thousands of Breslover chassidim are in Uman, welcoming in Rosh Hashana and the year 5784 at the Kever of Rebbe Nachman. The difficulties encountered in reaching Uman this year were historic, but despite them, the dedicated Chassidim would not be stopped from spending their Rosh Hashana in the place where they feel most connected to Hashem and their spiritual leader. As in past years, the city of Uman is teeming with life, with numerous Batei Medrashim alive with the sound of Torah and Tefillah. At any given moment, hundreds are davening at the Kever of the Rebbe, with many more sitting and learning – by themselves, with a chavrusah, or with their children. They crossed primarily through Hungary, Poland, and Moldova, resolute in their Emunas Chachamim and their Bitachon in Hashem that they could come and go safely. Since war has broken out, Rosh Hashana in Uman has been relatively subdued – a nightly curfew is implemented from 12 am to 4 pm, and there is little of the dancing and singing that are seen in Ukraine’s more peaceful years. The ruchniyus, however, has not suffered, as the regular order of Rosh Hashana events are moving forward with their full force and the participation of the Chassidim grateful to be there.  
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