Antwerp police officers raided a Belzer maariv minyan on Tuesday night, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. According to Belgian law, only gatherings of up to 17 people are currently allowed. The number of mispallelim at the minyan was only slightly above that number but the police recorded the personal information of all the mispallelim and each will be sent a fine of 250 euros. “There were mamash just a few people – all wearing masks and socially distancing as required,” one of the mispallelim told B’Chadrei. “The police are extremely stringent here. There’s someone here who simply is malshin to the police every time and they come and fine us.” This past Friday night, the police also raided the Belz shul and recorded the personal details of all the mispallelim. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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