President Biden was all full of gaffes when he delivered a speech in Illinois on Thursday. He first misgendered Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a woman, by addressing her ‘Mr mayor’. “Mr Mayor, thanks for the passport into town.” The blunders did not stop there. During the same speech he struggled while recalling President of Illinois’ State Senate Don Harmon’s name. He then said the following: “And also, we’ve got state leadership here. Lieutenant Governor Juliana is here — Stratton. And the Ohio-Pennsyl- –the Ohio-Pennsylvania — I’m from Pennsylvania. The Illinois President, Don Harmon; State Senator Laura Murphy; State Rep. Martin Moylan. And we’ve got great labor leaders here, too. Tim — where’s Tim? There you go, Tim. Thank you. Thank you, pal. AFL-CIO State President. And Jeff Isaacson, United Brotherhood of Carpenters. And Don Finn, IBEW. And Robert Riter — Reiter — R-E-I-T-E-R — Reiter — of the Chicago Federation of Labor. And, folks, that’s how we beat COVID-19: by working together.” The list of gaffes for one day was yet to finish and Biden confused the words ‘television’ and ‘telephone’ and said that he was on television instead of saying he was on phone. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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