A family celebrating a simcha at a hotel in the New York area turned the lobby of the venue into a full-on replica of Yerushalayim’s Meah Shearim neighborhood. A video tour provided by an attendee shows the lobby decked out in signage, fake storefronts, and even workers dressed as Yerushalmis – all to create an atmosphere of being in the epicenter of Yerushalayim’s foremost charedi neighborhood. As can be seen in the video below, the “stores” included Mefoar with tzitzis hanging outside of it, Falafel Geulah with non-Jewish servers dressed as Yerushalmim, and pashkevilin announcing a “kinnus neturei karta” hung on supporting pillars and walls. Perhaps the only thing missing was having a group of chareidim yelling “Gevalt!” at guests as they arrived at the hotel. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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