Chief Rabbi HaRav Yitzchak Yosef, who concluded his term on Sunday, criticized the judges of the Supreme Court during his shiur on Motzei Shabbos. “The secular judges who aren’t familiar with a Daf Gemara – what do they know? It’s all chukos goyim. They don’t reach the ankles of our Rabbanim. I need to be afraid of them? No. We’ll do what we’ll do.” HaRav Yosef’s statements come after the Supreme Court judges ruled last week that bnei yeshivos must be recruited to the IDf and funding halted to yeshivos and kollelim. In the past, HaRav Yosef said: “The secular need to understand that without the kollelim and yeshivos, the IDF would not be successful. The success of the army is only in the zechus of the Bnei Torah.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)