Former President Donald Trump took aim at President Joe Biden’s foreign policy team during a speech in Hialeah, Florida, on Wednesday, labeling them as “incompetent.” However, shortly after his criticism, Trump made his own incompetent gaffe by inflating the population of North Korea by more than a billion as he praised Kim Jong Un. Amidst a backdrop of a Republican presidential primary debate on NBC News, Trump delivered a speech filled with his usual rhetoric. He reiterated his previous lavishing of praise on authoritarian leaders and criticized the media for its reaction to these commendations. During the address, Trump, in an attempt to underscore the capabilities of murderous dictators like Kim Jong Un of North Korea, mistakenly claimed that Kim leads over 1.4 billion people—a figure that vastly exceeds the actual population of North Korea, which stands at approximately 25 million. “You know, when you deal with China, President Xi and North Korea, Kim Jong Un and Russia, Putin, you deal with all these people. The press hates when I say they’re smart. “He said they were smart!”. Well, what am I supposed to say? They’re stupid people?” Trump rhetorically asked. “Kim Jong Un leads 1.4 billion people. And there’s no doubt about who the boss is. And they want me to say he’s not an intelligent man,” Trump continued. “They get very personal when I say that because they’re fake news. That’s why they do that. They’re fake. They’re fake people, and they’re hurting our country very badly.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)