When it comes to giving tzedaka before chagim, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by the options. Many are bogged down by the various errands left to run before the holiday, and simply lack the presence of mind to think of those who are less fortunate. Each year, rabbanim around the world work hard to rally for the impoverished, to bring the concept of charity back into the minds of their congregants. Indeed, next Monday, we will stand in shul and utter those iconic words – “Teshuva, tefila, and tzedaka will annul the decree.”
Few pre-chag charity funds are more prestigious than Kupat Ha’Ir, which is based in Israel and helps to distribute food & financial help to men, women and children suffering from poverty. The days before Rosh Hashana are some of the most painful of the year for those who struggle to put food on the table. Many are unable to afford a seat in shul, or enough groceries for four seudos.
To motivate people around the world to unite and help others during this critical time, two of the biggest rabbanim in the world have taken on hefty responsibilities: Rav Shimon Galai, and Rav Chaim Kanievsky. Rav Galai will be flying to the grave of the Chofetz Chaim, one of the biggest tzaddikim in history, to pray for the list of donors who contribute to Kupat Ha’Ir’s fund.
On Rosh Hashana morning, Rav Chaim Kanievsky will be called up for a special mishaberach prayer in shul, during which he will pray specifically for the list of donors as well. Rav Kanievsky also extends the following very unique bracha: “All those who donate the amount of “SHANA” (numerical value 355) shekels ($101 dollars) to the Kupat Ha’Ir fund for the Days of Awe, will merit with G-d’s help 355 good and sweet days in the coming year. This is a great merit for a good judgement during the Days of Awe.”
Rosh HaShana is a serious time, in which each individual of klal yisroel must evaluate their own actions, and whether or not they have truly done their best. Those who help Kupat Ha’Ir to feed hungry families can rest assured this holiday that somewhere, in another part of the world, Rav Chaim Kanievsky himself stands in shul praying for them, and that somewhere else, a child, dressed in new holiday clothes, eats a hot meal in their merit. This is the mentality with which we should all strive to enter the new year.
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