Candace Owens, an employee of Orthodox Jewish conservative commentator Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire, told her audience that they should read Adolf Hitler’s infamous book, Mein Kampf, and complained about backlash that Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving got for posting a link to an antisemitic movie. Owens, who was hired by Shapiro in 2020, had previously defended anti-Semitic rapper Kanye West after he went on multiple rants against Jews and promoted multiple anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and tropes. At the time, Owens vehemently defended West, insisting that what he said about going “death con 3” on Jews wasn’t anti-Semitic. Ben Shapiro criticized her for defending him, but took no action against her, because he said she was defending “a friend.” As if that’s justification for defending anti-Semitism. In another instance, Shapiro again took no action after Owens replied to a tweet from anti-Israel instigator Max Blumenthal, writing that “When you disrupt the trauma economy and call out not-for-profits that benefit from it, you become their next target.” I don’t know who Max Blumenthal is, but I do know that you have my number and could have informed me in earnest. Real relationships should trump Twitter theatre. Let’s set a better example going forward. — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) November 6, 2022 In her broadcast this past Wedesday, Owens defended the movie promoted by Kyrie Irving, using its popularity as an apparent defense. “Not only is the documentary the top documentary on Amazon, but it’s also the book – which I didn’t know they had a book – is now a bestseller on Amazon’s list,” she said. How that justifies the contents of the film itself is unknown, and illogical at best. She went on to talk about Mein Kampf, calling it an important educational book. “A little reminder, if you actually go on Amazon right now, you can order and read ‘Mein Kampf.’ It is not an endorsement of Adolf Hitler to read a historical textbook. It just is not, right? And the idea that we should be censoring all this information and no one should see it because it hurts some group of people, to me, just goes not gel with our First Amendment rights,” she said. The question is, why is Ben Shapiro still employing this hateful woman? Is it because Owens is a black woman and Shapiro would come under criticism if he fired her? Is Ben Shapiro himself hostage to the woke ideology which he constantly impugns? (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
The post WHERE’S BEN SHAPIRO? Frum Conservative’s Employee, Candace Owens, Defends Hitler Book, Still Isn’t Fired [SEE THE VIDEO] appeared first on The Yeshiva World.