There is a battle for the Neshama of Eretz Yisroel – and it’s taking place in the classroom. While Israeli officials want a class devoid of Torah and Mitzvos, many are pushing back. Not only those who are Frum. Even tens of thousands of traditional Israelis are embracing Yiddishkeit in various degrees. And this is most apparent in the dramatic increase of registrations at Shuvu schools across Eretz Yisroel. Over 6,000 students now learn in a Shuvu school! And Shuvu needs your help to keep it going. https://www.rayze.it/shuvudinner
Shuvu’s annual dinner campaign is in full gear. Taking place March 23rd, at Bell Works Be’H, the Shuvu dinner will be a night of inspiration with Gedolim including Rav Shimon Galai, Rav Reuven Feinstein, and Rav Elya Brudny, a special video presentation featuring acclaimed author R’ Nachman Seltzer, and special musical entertainment with Benny Friedman and Aryeh Kunstler. Make your reservation today and you will help Shuvu – and Klal Yisroel https://www.rayze.it/shuvudinner
The future of Klal Yisroel truly starts in the classroom!

The post Who Knew a Classroom Could Be So Important? first appeared on Matzav.com.