Dr. Rashed Hammad Al-Adwani, the Kuwaiti Ambassador in Kiev, Ukraine visited the kever of Rav Nachman of Breslov as part of a tour of the town of Uman on Sunday, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. As is well-known, Kuwait has no diplomatic relations with Israel and regularly makes hostile statements against the Jewish state in the halls of the UN. It even has a policy of not allowing Israelis with foreign citizenship to board its aircraft. Al-Adwani visited Uman for an inter-faith meeting in the city and expressed an interest in visiting the kever of Rav Nachman of Breslov, saying that he heard a lot about it and wanted to see what it’s all about. He also expressed interest in eating at a kosher restaurant since kosher meat is considered kosher according to the Muslim halal laws. Local activists Shlomi Elisha and Chaim Chazin accompanied the ambassador on his tour. Elisha later told Kan News that it’s a rare occurrence for an ambassador from a Muslim country to visit Uman. “He was interested in the life of the Jews here and was favorably impressed,” said Elisha. “He only discussed Jews and didn’t mention politics or Israel.” “I think it was the first time he was ever in an authentic Jewish place,” Elisha said regarding Al-Adwani’s meal in a kosher restaurant while in Uman. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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