FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THIS IS WHY THE FERENCZ FAMILY FUND HASBEEN ESTABLISHED Jersey City, drenched in a river of blood and tears, needs anoutpouring of support. Give generously to The Ferencz Family Fund NOW Leah Minda Ferencz and her husband, Moshe Dovid, owned and operated a smallkosher grocery in Jersey City. It was where Leah Minda, a 31-year-old mother of 3young children, worked every day with a warm smile. It was where Leah Minda was gunned down in cold blood. JC Kosher was the Ferencz family’s livelihood. It was where the life of the wife andmother of the Ferencz family was suddenly shot down. JC Kosher stood as a sign of a newborn Jewish community coming to life. Today, its Mezuzah is speckled in blood. Jersey City, in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, stood as a shining beacon of American harmony. We cannot, and will not, allow Jersey City to remain shrouded in a cloud of Anti-Jewish hate. This is why the Ferencz Family Fund has been established. A wholesome family has been torn asunder. Hundreds of bullets have ripped into the heart and soul of the Ferencz Family. Children crying for their mother. A husband left alone, his means for supporting his family destroyed. This is why the Ferencz Family Fund has been established. Our sages teach that vengeance is G-d’s, and G-d’s alone. Our job is to comfort the suffering, to support the broken, to love the hurting, to be there for our fellow inneed. To give when all we can do is give. This is why the Ferencz Family Fund has been established. Our holy Torah states: לא תעמוד על דם רעך , You shall not stand by your fellow’s blood. Two verses later it states: ואהבת לרעך כמוך , you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Both verses conclude with the same words: Ani Hashem, I am G-d. When blood flows, words suddenly dry up. All we can do is turn to our Father OnHigh and never stand by our fellow’s blood, but always love our neighbor asourselves.. We must love our brothers, our family, our neighbors in Jersey City by supportingthem in this time of great pain and by comforting those who mourn. This is why the Ferencz Family Fund has been established: to help with the long,arduous journey to recovery. To rebuild their shattered family. To rebuild theirshattered hearts. To rebuild their shattered store. To rebuild their shatteredcommunity. Administered by Rabbi Laizer Breuer (Principal; Mosodos Greenville), Rabbi Moshe Eidles (Administrator; Mosdos Greenville) and Rabbi Moshe Schapiro (The Jewish Center-Chabad of Hoboken and Jersey City), the fund will:● Help support the Ferencz family who lost a wife, mother, and their completelivelihood in the JC Kosher devastation;● Support therapy costs;● Secure a financial future of the orphansWe have to do what we can to help them heal. We have to give everything we can tohelp them in this time of need. We have to be here for the Frenencz Family. When words are inadequate, we must take action. You, I, all of us together across the great United States of America must open our hearts and support the FerenczFamily. Please go to NOW and give with a wide open heart and awide open hand. We will not stand by our fellow’s blood; we […]