Today, Councilman Kalman Yeger took to the floor of the New York City Council to publicly condemn politicians and members of the media who “tinker at the fringes of antisemitism.” If it had a title, the three minute speech would be called “You Did This.” In his remarks, Councilman Yeger repeatedly used the phrase to excoriate those who pretend to stand with the Jewish community, but actually stand with anti-semites. Councilman Yeger specifically pointed to “those who spent Sunday posing for pictures with Jews, but spend the other 364 days of the year festering hate against my community.” Councilman Yeger said, “we have the right to live in our city like anyone else. We have the right to go about our day without being assaulted. We are not doing this to anyone. You are doing this to us.” Councilman Yeger also delivered a full-throated defense of Jewish education, noting “you attack our yeshivas, regularly, repeatedly, with hatred. But whenever has anyone seen a group of yeshiva students run down a street and smack someone in the head? Why is that never discussed? How we raise our children to be honorable, intellectual, decent members of society? How we are kind to one another? Instead, you paint us all with a scarlet letter of derision.” Watch this clip for the full remarks. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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