He must’ve just heard they had a good Shabbos morning kiddush. The FBI says that the Muslim radical who took four people hostage at a Reform synagogue in Colleyville, Texas yesterday had nothing to do with the Jewish community, evidenced by the fact that he only made demands about freeing “his sister” – a rabid anti-Semite who blamed Israel for her incarceration – but didn’t make demands related to the Jewish community. Police were called to the synagogue at around 11 am Saturday morning while the temple’s services were being livestreamed on Facebook. Over the course of the incident, the hostage taker could be heard ranting and talking about religion. All four hostages were eventually rescued and the suspect was shot dead, though it remains unclear whether it was self-inflicted or if a SWAT team member shot him. The FBI’s assertion that the hostage situation had nothing to do with the Jewish community was met with widespread derision. If the terrorist at the Texas synagogue would have been a white Christian he would have been called a dangerous white supremacist & a Nazi and smeared on a 24/7 media loop. Since he is a Muslim, the FBI & the msm will bend over backwards to make sure no one says he hates Jews. — Yesi