Experience the exhilaration and sipuk that over 1,000 Zichru participants have already had retaining the first 12 Blatt of Berachos. ·         Think you don’t have a good memory? ·         No way to remember Daf Yomi day after day? ·         Simply too much material in so little time? You’re not alone. Almost every participant in Daf Yomi is familiar with the struggle to retain more of the Daf. Day in and day out, the Daf begins to fade away soon after the shiur or the chavrusa ends. For some it’s a frustration they’ve come to accept as the price to stick with the program. For others it’s too hard to bear and they eventually give up.

The Siyum Hashas has come and gone and a new Daf Yomi cycle is upon us. You, among multitudes of other Jews, have begun the new cycle with high hopes of being a mesayim in seven-and-a-half years from now. But how about we up the goal a notch… to not only be a mesayeim, but to be a true “Shas Yid”?  Yes, it is within reach of every Daf Yomi learner to not only learn and complete Shas, but to know and remember Shas.  Introducing the Shas Chabura App, available now on the App Store and on Google Play Store.  Shas Chabura is an organized, day-by-day chazara schedule based upon scientific research on how to most effectively remember material you learn.

Jewish congregations opting to deploy armed security personnel in the wake of deadly attacks on synagogues should — if possible — use uniformed law enforcement officers rather than private guards or volunteers from the community, a group of security experts recommended Wednesday. The advice came in a detailed, first-of-its-kind report compiled by the Secure Community Network in response to questions from Jewish communities nationwide as to whether and how they should make use of armed security. The network, founded in 2004 by a coalition of Jewish organizations, describes itself as “”the official safety and security organization” of the Jewish community in North America.

Ahead of Vice President Mike Pence’s Latinos for Trump rally in central Florida, state Democrats have paid for a billboard showing an image of the president tossing paper towels at a Puerto Rican church after the island was devastated by Hurricane Maria. The Florida Democratic Party unveiled the billboard Monday in Kissimmee, a city outside Orlando with a large Puerto Rican population, including many who came to central Florida after the 2017 hurricane. Above the image of President Donald Trump tossing the paper towels into a crowd, are the words “Prohibido Olvidar,” or “Never Forget” in English. Critics at the time said the president’s tossing of the paper towels showed a lack of sensitivity to the devastation on the island.

While many small manufacturers and retailers believe Amazon is the place to be, Lyris Autran is forgoing the opportunity. Autran wants to keep the prices on her leashes, bowls and other products for dogs competitive. It costs money to sell on Amazon.com — a 15% fee on each sale and additional charges for shipping — and that would force her to raise prices. So she sells solely on her website, Dylan & Rainey. “Our margins are smaller, which makes selling on Amazon cost prohibitive,” says Autran, whose company is based in Gastonia, North Carolina. She also includes dog treats and hand-written notes in her shipments, a personal touch not available on packages Amazon handles. Small business owners selling online must weigh the pros and cons of listing their products on Amazon.

The NYPD has released additional footage in an anti-Semitic attack on Chanukah i9n Boro Park. As YWN had reported, on Wednesday, December 25, at approximately 1:00AM, a 40-year-old Hasidic man was walking in front of 4723 13th Avenue, when an unknown individual approached him and blocked his path. The victim attempted to let the suspect pass and proceeded to walk around the suspect, when the suspect punched him in the face before fleeing on foot, eastbound towards the intersection of 13 Avenue and 48 Street. The victim sustained a laceration to his lip but refused medical attention. The suspect met up with two of his friends who were waiting and who were watching the attack.

New York state says it’s seeing more reported cases of influenza so far this season than in recent years. The state’s online flu tracker shows the state has seen over 10,000 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza as of Jan. 4. That’s up from roughly 3,000 in 2017. The state’s data do not represent all influenza illnesses, but officials consider it a useful indicator of influenza trends. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, ordered state health officials this month to work with hospitals to make sure they’re equipped to meet a rising number of hospitalizations. Nearly 2,000 New Yorkers were hospitalized with lab-confirmed influenza in the first week of January, up 34% from the previous week.

Bais Medrash Govoha of Eretz Yisroel, known to many  as ‘Lakewood East’, is a very unique and exceptional Makom Torah. The Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Yaakov Eliezer Schwartzman Shlita, established this bastion of Torah excellence almost 40 years ago with a singular goal and mission: To develop true Bnei Torah imbued with Ahavas Hatorah, in the footsteps of his illustrious grandfather, Moreinu Rav Aharon Kotler Zt”l. In the over three and a half  decades since its inception, the Yeshiva has developed over 2,500 Talmidim who have dedicated their lives to Torah Lishmah  and to spreading the royalty of Torah life to their own families and communities, far and wide. The Yeshiva is comprised of American and Israeli Bochurim and Yungeleit.

Impeachment, immigration and Iran have filled the White House agenda as the year begins. But with the first votes of this year’s presidential campaign to be cast in just weeks, President Donald Trump is increasingly focused on his reelection bid. He has revved up his criticism of the Democrats vying to replace him, and his team looks at both foreign and domestic matters through the lens of the 2020 campaign. Trump, who announced his reelection bid the same day he took the oath of office, has long been an unabashedly political president. The president’s focus on his reelection effort — the ultimate arbiter of his legacy, in his estimation — has not wavered in the midst of his biggest crises at home and abroad.

Three police officers who have been credited with preventing further bloodshed during last month’s fatal attack on a kosher market in Jersey City were promoted Wednesday. Mayor Steven Fulop appointed Officers Kendric Jackson, Mariela Fernandez and Raymond Sanchez to the rank of detective at a ceremony at City Hall on Wednesday. “That day was an example in action of the law enforcement heroes we have serving the city,” Fulop tweeted Tuesday. “We are starting w/these 3 promotions tomorrow but truthfully there are many more heroes we intend on recognizing in the coming weeks – #JerseyCity.” Sanchez and Fernandez were among the first to respond after David Anderson and Francine Graham stormed the market and killed three people in an anti-Semitic attack.
