Trump Campaign Raises $24.8M In Less Than 24 HoursPresident Donald Trump raised $24.8 million less than 24 hours after kicking off his reelection campaign, a figure that dwarfs what the top Democratic contenders took in over the course of months.
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Israel Holds Large Military Drill Amid US-Iran TensionsIsrael wrapped up its largest military drill in years on Wednesday, with thousands of troops from the army, navy and air force simulating a future war with the terrorist Lebanese Hezbollah group amid fears that Iran would draw its Shiite proxy into the recent growing tensions in the Persian Gulf.

 A Family AffairBy Yael E. Geller, MPH
The foundation of the Flam family business and culture are not an anomaly when it comes to the typical picture of a family business.
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 Woman Reinterred From Tunisia To Eretz Yisroel 20 Years After Petira Fully IntactIt is a story that is quite remarkable. Inon Buchlis lived in Tunisia. His Rebbe relates the incredible account of events. Inon and his family made Aliyah to Israel.

Israel Prison Authority Removes Cellphone Jamming In Compliance With Request From Imprisoned TerroristsMaariv military corresponded Tal Lev-Ram reports that in response to a request from “security prisoners” (terrorists) imprisoned in Rimon Prison to remove the cellphone jamming device, Israel Prison Authority officials have complied.

 Border Patrol Officers Dance With Stolen Sifrei Torah They Recovered – Police Say Thieves Kept Them Safe And DryThousands of Bnei Brak residents joined in celebration in the return of the four stolen sifrei Torah to the Orchos HaTorah shul.
As YWN had reported, last week on Tuesday the shul was broken into and vandalized and four sifrei Torah were stolen.

 Hebron Hills Water Line Sabotaged By PalestiniansPalestinians in the Hebron Hills on Wednesday sabotaged a main water line that feeds area communities, as seen in the accompanying video.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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 Neturei Karta Protesters In Flatbush Drowned Out By Zionist MusicFive Neturei Karta degenerates staged a pathetic protest outside Kingsway Jewish Center in Flatbush on Tuesday night, as the Shul hosted Ambassador Dani Dayan, Council General of Israel.
One Shul member parked his pickup truck right alongside them, and played Hatikva, Hiney Mayov Uma’nayim and other Zionist songs.

 Yaalon Says Lapid Is Hurting “Blue And White” Over Chareidi HatredMK Moshe (Boogi) Yaalon who is located at the number 3 spot for the Blue and White party said on Wednesday that he believed that Yair Lapid should step down from a rotation based leadership role for the Prime Ministership as it is harming the party.

30AMJerusalem district police on Wednesday morning reported a 2-year-old boy was found wandering alone on a street close to 4:30AM, in the area of the Davidka, near the city center.
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