Sam Sokol's new book focuses on a Jewish community caught in the middle as two warring regimes weaponized anti-Semitism -- and the lessons this holds for world Jewry

President reportedly planning on bringing in new head of state-funded Institute of National Memory, which had engaged in rehabilitating anti-Communists who helped Nazis

Former Konotop mayor Artem Semenikhin is known for his neo-Nazi views

With both a Jewish president and PM in office at the same time that WWII-era Nazi collaborators are celebrated, the local community waits to see how society's attitude will pan out

Foreign ministry describes comments by Sergey Glazyev regarding country's new Jewish president as 'conspiratorial and anti-Semitic'

Zelensky, also a comedian, joked about his Jewish roots during an election campaign lauded for absence of anti-Semitism

Jewish comic defeated incumbent Petro Poroshenko in landslide win, now faces parliament dominated by allies of outgoing president

Brussels says Putin's move is 'another attack on Ukraine's sovereignty,' while Zelensky expresses hope for new sanctions against Moscow

PM also phones outgoing leader Petro Poroshenko to thank him for Israel support, ambassador says

After he's sworn in, at least for a while, his prime minister will be Volodymyr Groysman, a striking result in a country with a long history of anti-Semitism
