While the identities of the witnesses and the materials studied remain unknown, some believe staying under the radar may save panel from being torpedoed by Netanyahu government

Warm welcome at borders contrasts with hostility, harsh language faced by others looking for safe haven

Addressing the Bundestag in Berlin on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Mickey Levy says world has a duty to educate the next generation in these horrors

Center-right Christian Democratic Union's new chair previously served as opposition leader when he led the party in early 2000s

Former vice chancellor heads a three-party coalition being sworn in during one of Germany's worst moments in the COVID-19 pandemic

Days before she leaves office, Germany's longtime leader warns current COVID wave is 'very serious,' lauds those who 'stick to the rules'

Merkel announces sweeping rules banning those without immunity against coronavirus from restaurants, markets, gatherings and more; voices support for compulsory vaccination

3 German parties reach deal to form new coalition headed by Social Democrats leader Olaf Scholz, the outgoing chancellor's finance minister since 2018

Joint statement by US president and European leaders says if new nuclear deal reached, Washington will ‘stay in full compliance, so long as Iran does the same’

US national security adviser says Rome meeting during G20 with Germany’s Merkel, France’s Macron, UK's Johnson will see leaders 'all singing from the same song sheet on this issue'
