Netanyahu hails 'good neighborliness' of Saudis for hosting 128 Israeli passengers who spent night in Jeddah after Air Seychelles flight experienced a technical fault

Air Seychelles plane lands in Jeddah filled with Israelis; Saudis say passengers transferred to replacement flight, but Jerusalem claims issue still being worked on

Moscow says meeting in Jeddah with officials from over 40 countries is meaningless without Russian representatives

Nepalese security guard killed in exchange of fire after man steps out of car with weapon; Saudi officials give no motive for incident

US secretary of state is visiting kingdom in bid to strengthen ties with Riyadh as it pushes for rapprochement with America's adversaries

Ukrainian leader says he hopes to 'enhance bilateral relations and Ukraine’s ties with the Arab world,' which has remained largely neutral on Russian invasion of his country

Bashar Assad to participate in 22-member Arab League meeting following 12-year suspension amid restoration of ties with Riyadh

Damascus partakes in preparatory session for Arab League summit, a significant step toward regional reintegration following its suspension from body at start of 2011 civil war

Officials offer no details on suspect's background, nor if he belonged to any known extremist group

Kingdom rarely publicizes details on health of 86-year-old monarch, who has ruled the oil-rich country since 2015
