When Pesach comes around, many of us are very machmir – meticulously checking for every crumb of chametz and insisting on hand-made chabura matzah with all the chumros. But when it comes to the rest of the year, do we apply the same rigorous standards to what goes into our bodies? Or do we turn a blind eye when it’s inconvenient? Here’s a hard truth – if you’re vaping without doing your homework, you might be inhaling treif. Let me exain. E-cigarettes and vapes contain four base ingredients: 1. Propylene Glycol – Derived from propane, it’s safe, kosher, no issues here. 2. Nicotine – Not a kashrus concern. 3. Flavoring – Natural and artificial, case-by-case basis. 4. Glycerin – Here’s the kicker. Glycerin can be kosher.
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