US bureau chief Jacob Magid looks at frontrunner for US ambassador and Democrats on Biden's Israel plans; feature writer Melanie Lidman on renovations at Church of Holy Sepulchre

Continued work on a two-year, $11 million cooperative restoration project reveals fascinating details from centuries of patchwork building at one of Christianity's holiest sites

Pilgrims angered that many not allowed to reach Church of the Holy Sepulcher for ancient ceremony; no injuries as worshipers break through barriers; police; Limits are for safety

Holy site architect asks police to cap crowd size for safety reasons, but Greek Orthodox Church criticizes 'heavy-handed' restrictions

Greek Orthodox Church criticizes 'heavy-handed' restrictions that police have enacted for a second year at Church of the Holy Sepulchre citing public safety

Catholics attend processions at Old City's Church of the Holy Sepulchre, with churches reeling from mounting violence and acts of desecration

Vatican's top envoy calls for priests to hold mass for late former pontiff, who visited holy sites in Israel and the West Bank in 2009

Users can tuck a prayer note into a crack of the Western Wall, join thousands of worshipers during Ramadan at the Al-Aqsa Mosque or circle around the Kaaba

Amman says Israel 'must respect the historical and legal status quo in Jerusalem and its sacred [sites], and stop all restrictive measures'

Israeli officials say they don't want a repeat of Mt. Meron disaster; Easter ceremony at Church of the Holy Sepulchre goes ahead with some 4,000 participants
