Judges say 'no doubt' Amiram Ben Uliel carried out 'shocking and deeply disturbing' crime in Duma in 2015, express concern ruling may be seen as validation of interrogation methods

Supreme Court justice dismisses appeal from man, a minor at time of 2015 West Bank arson attack that killed 3 members of Dawabsha family

Relatively light sentence due to plea bargain which brought charges down from murder to conspiracy to commit arson as well as membership in a terror group

Site aims to cover legal costs of contesting three life sentences given to Amiram Ben Uliel for deadly 2015 firebombing of Palestinian family

Yair Netanyahu retweets link to fundraiser supporting legal defense for Amiram Ben Uliel, calls conviction a 'disgrace'

'We wish this decision could have come before the crime,' says uncle, while killer's wife maintains his innocence: 'We're not giving up hope'

Court says Amiram Ben Uliel firebombed Dawabsha family's West Bank home, killing baby and his parents, due to 'extreme and racist ideology'

While defense claimed survivor, 5 at the time, gave interviews that contradicted evidence, judge rules 'no factual findings can be determined based on his version'