Gunfire heard in the capital; no word from president, whose family is under investigation in France for corruption; soldiers vow to 'dissolve all institutions of the republic'

The 1953 ouster of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh to cement the rule of the Shah still haunts the country and its Islamist rulers

Military officer leading effort cites poor governance as reason for takeover; international community condemns act, while president's office vows loyal forces will retaliate

Suu Kyi denies allegation she accepted bribe of gold, hundreds of thousands of dollars from colleague; supporters say unjust prosecution meant to discredit Noble Peace Prize winner

Meetings this week follow reported trip of Sudanese official to Israel in February, warning by ousted ambassador that Israel losing support among civilians by backing military rule

Abdalla Hamdok says plotters came from both inside and outside the military, had made 'extensive preparations' to overthrow transition government

African country's borders closed and its constitution declared invalid in an apparent coup d'etat by army Col. Mamadi Doumbouya

Comments by ambassador to US and UN represent some of most far-reaching made by an Israeli official in favor of overthrowing the Ayatollahs regime

Facing protests after defeat in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Nikol Pashinyan urged to step down by General Staff; calling it a coup attempt, he fires military chief

Army says it's taking charge for 1 year after failing to recognize election results, phone and internet connections cut; US warns of repercussions if actions not reversed
