Anti-Semitism poll commissioned by the government finds prejudice has dropped since 2018, but still records higher levels than similar sampling by the Anti-Defamation League

Noting recent rise in anti-Semitic incidents, minister says the new measures are aimed at combating all forms of Jew hatred, wherever they are expressed

Suspect reportedly shouts anti-Semitic slogans at rabbi before fleeing scene of assault in the Austrian capital

All detainees accused of offenses under Austrian law banning the spreading of Nazi ideology, with seven also accused of inciting hatred

Austrian police reportedly not treating incident as a hate crime, believe it was an altercation between rival soccer fans

Karl Lueger led city in early 20th century and was a role model for Hitler; now anti-racist activists are demanding removal of monument in his honor

Suspect allegedly attacked Jewish community head in city of Graz, defaced its lone synagogue, committed 5 more crimes

Vandals deface lone Jewish house of worship in city of Graz; head of community blames 'anti-Israel anti-Semitism'

Heinz-Christian Strache apparently penned note on 'convoluted and power-hungry Jewish worldview' in copy of book promoting Jew-hatred; ex-Freedom Party member says doesn't recall

All five parties represented in National Council co-sponsor resolution saying anti-Israel boycott movement 'employs anti-Semitic patterns'
