As countries grow closer, North Korean leader expected to seek Russian economic aid and military technology in exchange for munitions to be used in Moscow's war in Ukraine

Experts say it is unlikely Pyongyang will be able to see through project without external assistance, and that it is 'exaggerating' capabilities of sub

As tensions escalate, Pyongyang claims practicing 'scorched earth strikes' on its neighbor amid anger over joint US-South Korean drills

Short-range rockets land in reclusive country's eastern sea; amid high tensions, Seoul decries 'grave provocation' as Japan lodges protest

Japan says both projectiles landed in parts of the ocean that are inside its exclusive economic zone

Rocket probably used swift-launching solid rocket fuel, South Korean defense official says; US calls move 'destabilizing'; Japan orders Hokkaido residents to shelter as precaution

Analysts say Pyongyang's claims of new weapons system isn't the same as a credible demonstration of capability, could've been 'an attempt at deception'

Pyongyang says launch of Hwasong-15 missile demonstrates country's efforts to 'turn its capacity of fatal nuclear counterattack on hostile forces'

Pyongyang threatens more 'powerful' steps in response to planned military training between Washington, South Korea; weapon said theoretically capable of reaching mainland US

In end-of-year flurry of activity, Pyongyang eyes mass producing tactical nukes, developing more ICBMs; experts say North threatening action, peninsula could become '2nd Ukraine'
