Shas chief insists he doesn't plan cabinet return; admits powerful protest movement has hindered plan, was spawned by government's hardline nature and rhetoric

Prime minister says partners won't torpedo any possible deal on reform, as Smotrich rejects compromise on judge selection, Ben Gvir calls on others to rebuff bargaining

Opposition leader says he knew from the start that a 'too good to be true' offer would come right before PM's trip to US

Tech Israel editor Sharon Wrobel on uncertainty over judicial overhaul leading to Israeli currency volatility; military correspondent Emanuel Fabian on Israeli efforts for Morocco

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur on why the speaker of the Knesset is threatening not to uphold a High Court decision; news editor Amy Spiro on a forgotten 1974 terrorist attack

PM said to insist any moratorium in legislation not include override clause, so that Knesset can re-legislate recusal law if overturned by High Court in upcoming hearing

Up to his neck in trouble, the premier would be thrilled to compromise on the judiciary makeover, but those he needs behind him see little reason to help him out

Likud leader offers face-to-face talks after meeting Justice Minister Levin, who opposes plan reportedly accepted by premier; National Unity party head dismisses call as 'spin'

Lack of clear coalition support imperils proposal, which as reported hands coalition a minimal win in exchange for freezing changes to Judicial Selection Committee for 18 months

Source in PM's office denies any agreement has been reached to 'soften' reasonableness law and freeze bills, while reports say Netanyahu seeks deal before he meets Biden this month
