Former consul general and actress wife retie knot in the US since their Reform marriage in Israel isn't recognized by the Jewish state

Demonstrations against Haredi military exemptions, religious and gender inequality were an effort to restore momentum of anti-overhaul movement, but public's response was muted

Report finds 1 in 3 couples who got a civil marriage could've had a religious ceremony in Israel, indicating rising alienation from religious bodies even as observance remains high

Israeli Supreme Court ruling recognizes US virtual marriage process, letting Israelis bypass the rabbinate and angering a ruling coalition that seeks controversial judicial change

Landmark Supreme Court ruling upholds decision allowing Israeli couples to wed in civil ceremony without leaving country, angering religious parties

After initially flouting High Court ruling, Population Authority agrees to recognize marriages performed online by officiant in US; state has appealed against legality of practice

Israel's state attorney calls for justices to bar the Interior Ministry from recognizing existing marriages until the matter is resolved

In early 2020, Utah began issuing marriage licenses for ceremonies performed online, offering an easy alternative for Israelis who can't or won't marry through the rabbinate

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur presents a different narrative for the US president's Israel trip; legal correspondent Jeremy Sharon on the Bibi trial and Utah online weddings

Interior Ministry now obligated to register as married Israeli couples who wed in online ceremonies through the US state of Utah
