Former generals say they are 'deeply concerned' over refusal to serve due to planned judicial shakeup; some 300 Armored Corps reservists also join calls against overhaul

Amikam Norkin says Hezbollah nearly shot down an Israeli drone with an anti-aircraft missile last year, alerting officials to the terror group's new capabilities

Military head says 'This is the IDF's main mission at the moment,' amid string of deadly attacks, West Bank gun battles with terror suspects

Air force officials say prospective deal would counter Iranian drone and missile threat; reveal Israeli aircraft carried out 408 missions around northern border in recent years

David Barnea says agency will 'do everything needed to alleviate threat,' but air force head won't say if Israel can destroy Iran's program and report claims IDF has no strike plan

Defense Ministry sends delegation to UAE with air force chief, after countries normalized ties last year; hails cooperation with Emirates as 'strategic asset'

Military's largest, most advanced aerial exercise to date pits fourth- and fifth-generation aircraft against fictional 'Dragonland,' which looks not unlike Syria

Officials hail ties between Jerusalem and Berlin; awards come as Luftwaffe takes part in large exercise in southern Israel

Israeli Air Force, Luftwaffe jets perform flyby above capital after air chiefs visit Yad Vashem, as part of kickoff for multinational exercise

Teams from seven countries will participate in exercise, which will include dog fights and simulate surface-to-air missile attacks, as well as fly-bys over Jerusalem, Tel Aviv
