Ukraine leader asks Conference of Presidents for help in getting world leaders to supply Kyiv with weapons, compares country's situation to Jews in Warsaw Ghetto

The heads of the Conference of President, William Daroff and Malcolm Hoenlein, speak with ToI about Whoopi Goldberg, Ben & Jerry's, and the centrality of Israel in US Jewish life

Live today at 12 noon ET / 7 p.m. Israel: On the 40th Anniversary of the Osirak nuclear reactor bombing, hear about the rising threat of antisemitism around the world

Vast majority of incidents go unreported, argues Malcolm Hoenlein; intersectionality seen as major driver of latest wave of attacks

While invitees are told they should wear masks, many are fearful of attending, given likelihood event will be held indoors and history of Trump hosting 'superspreader' events

Ahlam Tamimi, who oversaw the 2001 Sbarro bombing that killed Malki and 14 others, was freed in Shalit deal and became a celebrity in Jordan. Now the US just might be on her case

On this week's podcast, we grill political correspondent Raoul Wootliff on what's different -- if anything -- about this upcoming third trip to the ballot box on March 2

Leaders of umbrella Jewish group warns US Jews are facing a reckoning: 'It's the end of the age of innocence for American Jewry'

Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations says 'deeply troubled' by statements from Warren, Sanders, Buttigieg that aid could be used to force policy change

Facing criticism from German ambassador to UN, Jason Greenblatt doubles down on argument that world powers differ on resolution to Israeli-Palestinian issue
