State attorney says no evidence of causal link between erroneous information provided by Fifth Dimension and police’s provision of a $1 million grant secured by firm

Suspect, a relative of deceased who filed for $1.7m payout, said to have altered policies around the time 65-year-old died in April, raising suspicions of her involvement in death

Police say remains discovered close to bypass road, all avenues of investigation being explored

Former prison guard says army tried to silence her, implores public to call for investigative committee over scandal that allegedly saw female soldiers ‘pimped’ to inmates

Mahmoud Atallah, in solitary confinement over role in scandal that saw IDF soldiers 'pimped' to inmates, reportedly disclosed more misdeeds to Shin Bet staff in secret meeting

Moshe Klinerman, 16, was last seen on March 25 at the tomb of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai on Mount Meron; his family believes he was kidnapped

Zaniar Matapour, a 43-year-old Norwegian citizen originally from Iran, was arrested after 2 people were killed and more than 20 wounded in an alleged 'Islamist terror act'

Amro Abu Khdair has yet to be charged; police say no connection to funeral, any attempt to say otherwise a 'cheap conspiracy'

But others accuse public security minister of not backing officers and pressuring police chief to open probe after widespread international condemnation

Jeremy Cohen, 31, was killed two months ago in what police deemed a traffic accident; new video released by his family suggests that incident was triggered by a mob assault
