Relatives of Naftali Fraenkel, Gil-ad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach say they are bringing the action to block the transfer of cash from the Palestinian Authority to the terror group

An event marks the culmination of a 7.5-year daily gemara cycle -- and a crescendo in decades of efforts by teachers to wrest Jewish texts from men's-only clubs

Five years after losing her son Naftali in a terror kidnapping and murder that shocked the nation, Rachelle Fraenkel completes program that makes her an expert on Jewish law

Morris Kahn and Kfir Damari will receive honor during ceremony on May 8 for promoting tech education and encouraging innovation

Minister Miri Regev announces Iris Yifrach, Bat-Galim Shaer and Racheli Fraenkel will receive honor during ceremony on May 8