Christian leaders lament that some of their churches, funeral processions and gathering sites have been targeted and that attendance at some ceremonies was limited by authorities

Locals only have theories about how a seemingly out-of-place icon in the remote town of Sitka got there, but one thing is certain: The beloved landmark spurs conversation

The pristine white spired structure, one of the US capital's most mysterious buildings, is usually only open to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Christian Affairs correspondent Lazar Berman hosts Bishop Glenn Plummer, the Pentacostal bishop who moved to Israel during the pandemic

Federal appeals court says Dylann Roof's 2015 slaying of 9 black worshipers qualifies him for the 'harshest penalty that a just society can impose'

From Spain to Syria, churches have been converted into mosques, and vice versa, as control over the sites have shifted over the centuries

US president says he has deemed places of worship to be 'essential' and threatens to 'override' governors who do not let them open

Synagogues, mosques and churches reopen under strict distancing and hygiene requirements; Western Wall foundation announces raffle for entry permits during Shavuot

Synagogues, mosques and churches will be able to operate at 50% capacity with worshippers keeping at least 2 meters (yards) apart and wearing masks

Ruling follows appeal by Muslim association seeking to allow Friday prayers during remainder of Ramadan
