State media says long-range unmanned aircraft can carry different types of missiles and has electronic warfare systems

Target seen hit in Iranian video resembles Eilat Naval Base on Red Sea coast; mock Israeli corvette also on display

Tehran claims medium-range projectile can reach targets up to 1,400 kilometers (870 miles) away

US-made Grumman F-14 Tomcat crashes near central city of Isfahan; footage shows large smoke column

In Washington, defense minister details Tehran's increasing use of attack drones in the region, including an attempt to provide such weaponry to Palestinian terror groups

Amid high tensions ahead of resumption of nuclear talks, Tehran says air defenses shot at 2 UAVs near strategic Strait of Hormuz, causing them to change course

Air force units and ground forces participating in military exercises to prepare for 'foreign threats and any possible invasion'; drill taking place near strategic Strait of Hormuz

The country's deputy army chief says exercise to take place in Gulf of Oman, Indian Ocean, and parts of the Red Sea

Khamenei formally names Hamid Vahedi to post he has been heading since 2018; commander is pilot of Russian fighter jets

Iranian state TV says hundreds of boats participate in exercise
