In new short satiric film premiering July 25, Anne Frank House museum reps hire a marketing firm to remake diarist's image in era of 'empathy fatigue' among young people

Like many others, American Jews were influenced by their new home country's penchant for consumerism - but being a niche market has also helped preserve their cultural identity

Big Duck Studio now says decsion not to work with Shalom Hartman Institute based on a misunderstanding, is open to working with organizations with Israel ties

Despite extensive work with Jewish nonprofits, Big Duck cites commitment 'to fighting oppression' in decision to not work with Shalom Hartman Institute

With religious-friendly design ideas and cafeterias that conform to Jewish dietary laws, it's no wonder the Swedish furniture giant is the Haredi public's favorite new hangout

A storied Massachusetts printing company pushes ‘sustainable’ promotional material -- the Stuff We All Get on the conference circuit -- helping nonprofit causes in the process