Book on history of Zionism features caricatures of Jewish men plotting against Egypt, other antisemitic tropes; author says security forces 'confiscated' text on 1st day of event

Works at state-run event have included Mein Kampf and Protocols of the Elders of Zion, with a new book on the history of Zionism showing hook-nosed Jews on its cover

A century after the publication of 'The International Jew,' filmmaker Andy Kirshner revives the automaker in '10 Questions for Henry Ford,' screening at the SF Jewish Film Festival

Bookseller says the fabricated antisemitic text was automatically put on its online store from 'standard industry databases' before it was removed following social media outcry

Zach Fisch, chief of staff to Rep. Mondaire Jones, says 'horrified' after discovering copy of virulently anti-Semitic book that alleges Jewish cabal controls the world

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, long a rallying cry for Jew-haters, has taken root in the Arab world. A new campaign aims to change that

Daniel Hershkowitz takes severe view of Dina Zilber's scathing broadside in which she accused PM of echoing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; Mandelblit summons her for meeting

Dina Zilber launches scathing broadside against the 'fake leader,' says PM's constant claims the cases against him are a witchhunt echo notorious anti-Semitic conspiracy

Fantasy of a surreptitious Jewish stranglehold on the international economy and on mass media proves to be the most durable forgery in modern history

Explanation comes after outrage over social media post linking to a 139-page selection of the bureau’s files on the anti-Semitic text
