All lawmakers from Hadash-Ta'al and Ra'am-Balad parties exit during 'Hatikva'; three legislators absent from entire event

PM pledges to work for all citizens after divisive campaign, lauds Israel's position on world stage; Blue and White leaders lambaste right-wing MKs at first party meeting

As new lawmakers sworn in, including a record 49 rookies, president urges Netanyahu to 'ease up on on destroying your opponents'

Rafi Peretz was initially at odds with party No. 2 Smotrich over the legislation; Gantz says Knesset mustn't become 'city of refuge for lawbreakers'

Gaza tensions are back, deals are rumored and Knesset noobs learn about how the sausage is made while others stay home

Just before MKs are sworn in to 21st Knesset, Yisrael Beytenu chair says he's ready to remain in opposition if 'key issues' not resolved

Before 21st Knesset officially begins, parliament's fresh faces receive a crash course on law-making and get to enjoy their new seats... with one exception

Ahead of Tuesday's swearing-in ceremony, rookie legislator and former TV anchor Miki Haimovich suggests all 120 seats should be changed

Handing him appointment, Reuven Rivlin urges PM to soothe divides after tumultuous election campaign, says the time of 'us versus them is over, and now it's just us'

President, elections committee head dismiss New Right's criticism of vote count; committee director blasts 'unbridled attacks' on public servants
