Likud MK quits rather than adhere to High Court order to hold vote on his replacement, says justices ‘undermining democracy’; move means vote on new speaker delayed to next week

Labor MK says former speaker is 'humiliating the Supreme Court'; Regev attacks Blue and White; Steinitz says disrespecting ruling 'could lead to anarchy'

Knesset legal adviser says Likud MK's resignation doesn't absolve him of having to call vote, Edelstein says he won't, plunging Israel into constitutional crisis

Dozens demonstrate against High Court's 'interference' after top legal body ordered speaker to hold vote on his replacement by Wednesday

After right-wing walkout on vote on crucial parliamentary committees, center and left MKs push ahead with creation of special panels

PM says differences small, urges Blue and White chief to meet him immediately to form coalition; Gantz insists on heading such a government

Members of Netanyahu's party lambaste High Court ruling ordering vote on new parliament speaker by Wednesday; some MKs urge defiance, others in Likud say decision must be respected

After right-wing walkout on vote on crucial parliamentary committee, center and left MKs push ahead with creation of special oversight bodies, including over coronavirus crisis

Proposal to establish Arrangements Committee passes 61-0, with right-wing and religious lawmakers allied with Netanyahu boycotting; panel will have Blue and White majority

'I won’t agree to ultimatums,' Edelstein tells justices, rejecting their advisory position; says he will hold vote 'when the political situation becomes clear'
