Letter to congressional committee reportedly says cash will go to Taiwan and Lebanon instead; Democrat Chris Murphy calls for keeping back a further $235 million
Palestinian Authority president to travel to the coastal city of El Alamein on Sunday for meeting expected to focus on growing instability in West Bank, Gaza
Narendra Modi becomes the first Indian prime minister to pay a state visit to Cairo in more than two decades as nations seek to ramp up bilateral trade
After deadly incident leaves 3 IDF soldiers dead, Cairo has attempted to prevent gunman Mohamed Salah Ibrahim from being worshiped as a martyr, with limited success
Assistant secretary of state says there's been 'a lot of hyperventilation' in the media following reports supposedly revealing details of US-led talks between Jerusalem and Riyadh
Saudi crown prince stresses backing for Palestinian state amid intensified US effort to secure normalization; Egypt's Sissi, who mediated Gaza ceasefire, slams Israeli 'escalation'
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