Residents of Deir al-Asad and 3 nearby communities directed to stay home due to 'very high' infection rate; rise in confirmed cases comes after testing center opened in area

Planned repatriation flight said scrapped after Ankara objected to presence of Israeli security guards; situation resolved after Joint List MK Ahmad Tibi intervened

Bill to amend Basic Law on the State Economy passes 62-0, relying on 3 votes from majority Arab party; Yamina absent, along with quarantined Netanyahu and Litzman

Joint List MK Tibi says his party appealed to Health Minister Litzman and other authorities to establish testing site in Arab community

Joint List’s recommendation of the Blue and White leader, and his embrace of its support, is leap from unimaginable to inevitable for Arab Israeli voice at the national table

The consolidation of Arab factions creates an unlikely band of religious zealots, social democrats, racist agitators -- and pragmatic centrists - that is the 3rd-largest in Knesset

Arab-majority alliance says sides discussed cooperating on legislative issues and who they will recommend to president next week

Israel on brink of 4th election after MK says Joint List-backed government 'violates basic norms and values,' no longer beholden to pre-election merger with Meretz

Ahmad Tibi attributes incident to attacks against him by Netanyahu; Sderot pre-military academy condemns it

Blue and White head tells some Joint List MKs he is committed to forming a government for Jews and Arabs, but does not include Balad head Mtanes Shihadeh in calls
