Clash erupted after Yesh Atid's Merav Ben-Ari protested Ahmad Tibi's comments about Temple Mount, while he lashed her for saying she doesn't regret death of Al-Jazeera reporter

Shabtai mentions recent cases of Joint List MKs hitting a police officer and helping a suspect escape police custody, says he 'won't abide' the harming of officers

Force accuses the two lawmakers of assaulting police officers, obstructing a police officer in carrying out his duties, and making threats; pair deny they did anything wrong

Family says Walid a-Sharif, 21, was critically injured when he was hit by a sponge-tipped bullet on April 22; police say he fell and hit his head while throwing rocks

Party's decision is hotly awaited and expected to affect whether or not the opposition brings a Knesset dispersal measure to vote Wednesday

MK says party will vote in favor if brought to vote; if it fails, opposition can't resubmit for 6 months; Ra'am reportedly holding talks with Joint List on reuniting

Joint List bails out Bennett from embarrassing and symbolic defeat to opposition, but pressure remains on teetering government

Family says Walid Ashraf, 21, in a coma with fractured skull and brain damage after being hit by a sponge-tipped bullet; police say he fell and hit his head while throwing rocks

President calls for calm on Temple Mount, stresses that Israel maintains religious status quo at holy site; adds that comments by Ayman Odeh about police were 'stomach turning'

The teetering government made overtures to the Arab party for support, but then its leader berated Arab cops for 'humiliating' their people by serving the 'occupation'
