In debate on coalition bill to revoke citizenship of convicted terrorists who receive payment from PA, Hanoch Milwidsky claims there have never been Jewish terrorists

Veteran Arab MK has held role since 2006; Netanyahu's party said planning to get back at Lapid when staffing Knesset committees

PA premier Mohammad Shtayyeh calls for international probe along with MK Tibi and others; Lapid expresses sorrow over death, apparently from sniper misfire, backs troops

Presumptive PM phones 'my brother' Israel-friendly Saudi blogger Mohammed Saud; Arab Israeli lawmaker tweets that 2-1 win 'dazzled' the world

Netanyahu-led bloc holds clear majority but hasn't finished talks to vote in a gov't alongside new parliament; 25th Knesset features 23 freshmen and dip in female representation

With Israel imposing lockdown and conducting raids in East Jerusalem's Shuafat after soldier's killing, Hadah-Ta'al and Balad see little difference in so-called 'change government'

Ra'am chair blames former PM for crime wave, empowering far-right MK Itamar Ben Gvir, and criticizes former partners Ayman Odeh and Ahmad Tibi for voting with opposition

At campaign rally, former prime minister says Central Elections Committee decision to bar Amichai Chikli from running is political and aimed at bringing down the right-wing bloc

Justice minister says that even after splitting from the more hardline Balad, party heads Odeh and Tibi have 'extremist' views; says only option is Gantz-led broad unity government

With Balad unlikely to cross election threshold, Netanyahu's Likud not expected to petition for Arab nationalist faction to be disqualified as it has in past
