Ayman Odeh predicts Hadash-Ta'al 'will be the most important party' after election if neither side has majority, though split from Balad largely seen as boon to Netanyahu's bloc

Report says meeting with senior Joint List lawmakers was aimed at returning Ra’am to the fold, after it ran separately in the last elections and joined coalition

Israeli TV network quotes unnamed Palestinian official who confirms that intelligence chief met Arab MKs but insists report about effort to interfere in election is false

Israeli Arab lawmaker Sami Abou Shehadeh claims Israeli society has 'lost its humanity' by standing behind Gaza operation

Arab lawmakers clash with each other; opposition leader Netanyahu chides Knesset speaker for not controlling hecklers; MK Ben-Gvir booted for taking photos

Government's Ra'am party breaks ranks to vote in favor of preliminary legislation from opposition's Joint List, as imperiled coalition appears headed for a collapse

Bennett’s Yamina, coalition’s fellow right-wing New Hope party back opposition measure; vote sees stormy confrontations with Arab lawmakers told to 'go to Gaza or Jordan'

Several right-wing lawmakers ejected from plenum amid heated exchange with deputy speaker Ahmed Tibi; Justice Minister Sa'ar denies reports he is in talks for alternative coalition

Rinawie Zoabi insists she's not walking back resignation, but acknowledges that she doesn't want to see Netanyahu return to power and may cooperate with coalition from opposition

But Sami Abou Shahadeh's colleague Ahmad Tibi is reportedly in talks with Lapid to throw coalition a lifeline and ostensibly prevent another election
