As coalition teeters without a majority in Knesset, Odeh say his party will not partner with opposition if it means cooperating with 'dangerous' Netanyahu

Only Ra'am's Walid Taha attends Ukrainian president's address to the Knesset; no Joint List MKs present, with some refusing to condemn Russian invasion

Chikli claims party hasn't sought his backing; opposition reportedly using bill for new hospital to convince Ra'am MK not to vote for budget; coalition wants Joint List to abstain

'There are implications here for human rights and democracy,' says Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, who heads the left-wing party; Yamina's Shaked hails Gantz for move

Vote sees Netanyahu ally with Joint List to back parliamentary commission of inquiry into hiring discrepancies that have left many Arab teachers without jobs

Father of serviceman complains to police that his son was assaulted and publicly humiliated after Joint List lawmaker was prevented from entering Jewish enclave in city

Ahmad Tibi ejects far-right lawmaker from plenum after he initially refuses to refer to him as 'Mr. Deputy Speaker'

Lawmaker felt unwell at the Knesset on Wednesday and went to the hospital; says he expects to return to work in the next few days

MK rushed to hospital after feeling unwell, two days after diagnosis

MK sent home following tests and diagnosis; will return to Hadassah for additional monitoring; same condition hospitalized Ra'am chairman Abbas in April
