Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says deployment of USS Eisenhower meant 'to deter hostile actions against Israel or any efforts toward widening this war'

Vessel, seen from satellite photos, resembles Nimitz-class carriers US Navy routinely sails into Persian Gulf from the Strait of Hormuz

The firing of Capt. Brett Crozier rocked navy and led to resignation of top official; so far one sailor of USS Theodore Roosevelt has died and 840 infected with coronavirus

Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly had delivered profanity-laced speech to crew of USS Theodore Roosevelt, slamming captain who was fired for warning of coronavirus threat to crew

Brett Crozier's COVID-19 test result reported hours after Defense Secretary Mark Esper defended the captain's firing over a plea for help for his coronavirus-affected crew

Top Navy official says Capt. Brett Crozier 'demonstrated extremely poor judgment' in middle of a crisis; video shows officer leaving ship to applause from crew who chant his name

Dispatched to the Persian Gulf, the USS Abraham Lincoln has yet to enter it, possibly in a bid to calm nerves in the region

Amid rising tensions and American military reinforcement in the region, deputy head of Revolutionary Guards rules out talks with 'unreliable' Washington

Military spokesperson dismisses footage published by Revolutionary Guards days after Washington branded it a terror organization

Development comes after US government designates Revolutionary Guards a foreign terrorist group