Opposition lawmakers in La Paz and authorities in Argentina demand details of deal signed last week, amid speculation Tehran looking to expand list of clients purchasing drones

Suspects are 'employees or operational agents' of Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, long believed to be behind AMIA attack that killed 85, with Iran's help

Judge calls for former Revolutionary Guards commander Mohsen Rezaei's arrest for 'proven participation' planning attack that killed 85 and wounded hundreds

Spy agency probe finds Lebanese terror group smuggled explosives in chocolate and shampoo bottles on commercial flights from Europe in 1990s while Israel was busy watching Tehran

Daniel Burman’s 'Yosi, the Regretful Spy' is the true story of a cop who went undercover as a Jew for decades, and how he may have inadvertently aided in Jewish community attacks

Israel was not a target of the 1994 Jewish center bombing that killed 85 people, and local Jewish community argues that Argentina should do more to bring perpetrators to justice

Mohsen Rezaei, one of five Iranians accused of being behind deadly 1994 bombing, attends Managua swearing-in for president Daniel Ortega, accused of rampant human rights violations

Court dismisses late prosecutor Nisman's claim against now VP Fernández de Kirchner, says Argentina-Iran deal for probe into 1994 AMIA terror attack 'did not constitute a crime'

Graves vandalized in section containing remains of dozens of victims from 1994 terrorist bombing at AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires

Foreign Ministry calls on international community to condemn appointment of Ahmad Vahidi, who is wanted by Interpol over alleged role in 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires
