Transportation minister says bills will come up for vote if compromise talks not fruitful, claims police's 'preferential' treatment of protesters proves reform needed

Community, angry that most Jewish Israelis didn't defend its rights during decades of discrimination, feels it doesn't have a place in rallies featuring generals as speakers

Demonstrators briefly block vehicle access to parliament before being dispersed, with 5 detained; they also condemn 'militia of thugs' being formed for Ben Gvir

US correspondent Jacob Magid discusses the US president vs the PM on judicial reform as religion and Diaspora affairs reporter Canaan Lidor looks at protests and a Karaite Passover

IDF chief calls for responsible conduct, says protests within the army inflict a 'critical wound'

Prime minister says Knesset shouldn't be able to 'nullify' court decisions, but claims overhaul will make Israel a 'stronger democracy'; complains debate in Israel one-sided

Waving Israeli flags, protesters light bonfires, block major Tel Aviv highway; police use water cannons in Jerusalem as demonstrators plan march to Knesset

From his arrival at 10 Downing Street until his departure from the Savoy Hotel, Israel's prime minister could not escape now-familiar demonstrations and cries of 'shame'

Demonstrators picket outside several ministers' homes, commando veterans plan Saturday rally outside Gallant's house, before another week of contentious legislative action

In a rare move, no public statements as Israeli leader hosted at 10 Downing Street amid speculation British PM trying to avoid publically criticizing Netanyahu on judicial overhaul
